What if I am located in a different time-zone?

Even if you're not located in the Central time zone, you can still join us live on February 23rd & 24th! As a host, you have access to all content from the live event until through Monday, February 26th, at 11:59pm CT, and then again on March 11th with IF:2024 On Demand.

Once the event is live online, you’ll locate the video you want to watch by navigating to your “Schedule” tab in your profile. Your schedule will show up in the timezone you are located in, so you don’t have to worry about adjusting the session times. What you see is what time we will be streaming live in your area!

Once you are in your Schedule, you will click on the Session you want to watch. If you’re jumping in during the middle of a session, you’ll have the ability to scroll back to the start of the session.