What people group will my giving help reach this year?

This year, IF:2024 will be giving towards the highest priority translation projects in the illumiNations All Access Goals. There are over 3,500 languages that don’t have access to a large portion of Scripture, and around 1,300 that do not have a single verse in their language. IllumiNations has made a strategy that allows for the greatest impact and acceleration of translation. 

How does illumiNations determine what projects are funded first? 

Scripture most likely to create immediate impact for church planting, worship, discipleship, and social justice issues often represent initial translation goals. Goals differ depending on the spiritual, religious, social, economic, and historical context of the language community.

What are the illumiNations All Access Goals? 

-95% of the entire population to have access to a full Bible

-99.96% of all people to have access to a New Testament, 

-100% of world's population to have access to a critical portion of Scripture

-100% of the world’s most strategic written languages to be available in 2 viable translations.